Press releases Continued education activities within implementation of the project with high schools Continued education activities within implementation of the project of cooperation with high schools 10/12/2023 Start of cooperation of OECD,CBBH and relevant institutions in financial literacy and inclusion 9/20/2023 Delegation of the Deutsche Bundesbank visited the Central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina 5/25/2023 Marking the Global Money Week in the CBBH 3/23/2023 Central Banking awarded the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina for transparency 3/15/2023 Financial education carried out for students and professors of High School of Economics Banja Luka 2/27/2023 From now, financial education also carried out in the CBBH Brčko Branch 2/20/2023 Guide for Digital Payments presented in the CBBH 6/14/2022 U CBBiH obilježena Svjetska sedmica novca 3/31/2022 Continuing education activities within the implementation of pilot project with high schools 3/2/2022 «1234»