Press releases Financial education carried out for students and professors of High School of Economics Banja Luka Following JU Ekonomska škola Brčko (PI High School of Economics Brčko), Ekonomska škola Banja Luka (High School of Economics Banja Luka), also joined the implementation of financial education project, which started in high schools in Sarajevo. 2/27/2023 From now, financial education also carried out in the CBBH Brčko Branch 2/20/2023 Guide for Digital Payments presented in the CBBH 6/14/2022 U CBBiH obilježena Svjetska sedmica novca 3/31/2022 Continuing education activities within the implementation of pilot project with high schools 3/2/2022 Breakfast with journalists - Macroeconomic projections in the CBBH 6/28/2021 Online (Internet) Shopping 3/24/2021 20 Years of the Stability of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Payments Systems 1/5/2021 World Savings' Day 2020 10/30/2020 Home Budget Management and Importance of Saving 6/8/2020 «123»