Centralna bankaBosne i Hercegovine
Welcome to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina web site, dedicated to financial education and financial inclusion of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Press releases/news
Governor Selimović visited SOS Children's Villages BiH
CBBH Received a Special Award „Zlatni BAM“ for Financial Education and Inclusion
Savings Day in the CBBH
Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Role and Significance
Learn all about money (available in local languages only)
What is savings? (available in local languages only)
Novko and Novčica in the world of money (available in local languages only)
Goide for Digital Payments
Presentation available in local languages only
Not translated
Photo gallery
World Savings Day 2019
Take a look
Currency board arithemtic (avaialable only in local languages)
Enver Backović, Ph.D
Example of VAT calculation in BiH (available only in local languages)
Enver backović, Ph.D