Together Online in Financial Education!


Financial education is one of the activities implemented by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that we have realized successfully through a lot of invested effort. Advanced technology, which the financial sector adopts very rapidly, brings us new possibilities, but also new challenges to overcome. Being properly informed on basic definitions, habits, having a proper skillset for a responsible approach to personal finance management, have become a part of the general culture.

That is why we have enthusiastically worked in the previous period to try to assist you by organizing educational workshops, preparing educational materials, picture books, brochures, organizing debates, posting online info… We also welcomed in our premises a large number of pupils, high-school and faculty students with the intention to improve their financial management culture – and tried to do that by not trying to deliver “just another lecture” to them but to instill them knowledge, which they will need during their lifetime.

There are many challenges which our entire society is currently facing due to COVID-19 pandemic, and they have imposed need to do some usual activities differently, due to responsibility to our health and jobs we are responsible for, as well as to health and jobs of others.

Therefore, despite our best intention to organize several activities this year to mark Global Money Week, due to pandemic, we were deprived of the opportunity to implement what we outlined. However, since we wanted to find a way to continue with our activities, we have prepared several informative – educational articles, which we will publish on weekly basis, filled with, what we believe, are interesting, current and useful information and pieces of advice. We hope that soon we will be able to get back together implementing activities “live”, in the process of learning and promoting the importance of financial literacy and financial inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina.