Continuing education activities within the implementation of pilot project with high schools


On 02 March 2022, in the premises of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), education activities have been continued within the pilot project of cooperation and training of teaching staff with the three selected high schools, aimed at enabling high school professors to carry out financial education as an optional teaching activity.

In this way, the CBBH tries, through target education activities, to promote the importance of financial education and inclusion, especially for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, trying to address different topics, which are important for financial education, in a creative, expert and simple way. The pilot project includes professors, but also selected pupils from three Sarajevo high schools: Economic school, Business-commercial and trade school and Third gymnasium. The plan is that the same activities should be implemented also in other high schools, throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. As this is a pilot project, it is aimed at creating the best practices through joint experience, which in future could open possibilities for introducing financial education in school curriculum.

Today's education was focused on managing personal finance, providing information on basic concepts and features of the most used financial products and services in the market, and information on the importance of a responsible attitude to financial products and services.

These activities are implemented within the project of Promotion of financial education and inclusion, carried out by the CBBH with the support of the European Fund for Southeast Europe – Development Facility - link to the website: