Introductory text

Introductory text (Basic facts):

Welcome to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH)  web site, dedicated to financial education and financial inclusion of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our Mission:

“Raising awareness and educating citizens on the role of the CBBH and raising level of the knowledge, in order to ensure that all citizens are able to recognize the benefits of available financial services and use them with understanding in a rational and safe manner.”

Our Vision:

“ The CBBH will continuously work on raising the awareness of the educational needs, and, within its capacities and competences, it shall work on transferring knowledge to target groups by acting through the media and other available platforms, by creating and publishing appropriate educational materials, through direct contact with current and future financial services’ users, and by educating the future educators, either individually or through cooperation with partner institutions.”  

Why we have financial education and inclusion within the CBBH?

In recent years, the CBBH has launched, independently and in cooperation with partner organizations, a series of activities to raise the level of financial education and inclusion of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The reason why the CBBH insists on bringing this topic into focus is the fact that the CBBH chairs the Standing Committee on Financial Stability and coordinates the activities of the entities’ Banking Agencies, and thus plays a significant role in maintaining financial stability in the country.  All mentioned bodies, including the Deposit Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, make for a network of financial stability, and within the scope of their mandates are obliged to do their utmost to maintain that stability.

One of the increasingly important segments of these activities are financial education and inclusion, which are the prerequisites for citizens to make rational financial decisions. These activities result in providing additional stability to the whole system.


CBBH website as a Learning Platform

One of the results of the CBBH's activities in the field of financial education and inclusion is the creation of this website, which contains educational material. Its primary objective is to improve understanding of the finances and financial services, and to broaden the knowledge of this segment of life, in general. The functioning of financial services, as well as their transparency, depend, to a large extent, on the understanding of this field by all stakeholders. All stakeholders need to be provided sufficient information in order to understand basic financial terms and learn to use them properly. Being well informed on this matter is a prerequisite to encourage efficient and broad, and above all, a proper use of available financial services, to encourage savings and more efficient money management, to encourage responsible investing etc. This can contribute to the improvement of the business environment and it contributes to effective consumers’ protection, users of financial services, by preventing potential issues.

Therefore, materials on this web site, describing the topic (basic information about money in general, about the local currency, about the role of the CBBH, about savings, etc.) will be processed, created and published in a professional and educational way. The documents will be created for all ages, and for different society’s groups, and processed in a way  providing sufficient information to those who are not expert in these fields, and are looking for the basic theoretical knowledge and information. In addition, visitors of this website can find a calendar of activities, press releases, adapted quizzes on line and photo galleries from events dedicated to this topic, and interested institutions/organizations may also apply for a visit to the CBBH.

In the near future, activities in the field of financial education and inclusion will be expanded to other CBBH online channels – YouTube and Twitter.


Our partners



USAID, in partnership with the CBBH, has facilitated the electronic publishing of educational materials on the CBBH website. This publication was reviewed by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared, for website containing education material, by consultants Esma Mustajbašić and Almir Peštek, for the USAID Partnership for Advancing Reform in Economy (PARE). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. The CBBH core web application and all other content (i.e. excluding the Educational Component) remain in the exclusive copyright and ownership of the CBBH.



The CBBH is currently implementing the activities on Financial Education and Inclusion in cooperation and with the support of the European Fund for South East Europe - Development Facility (EFSE DF).


The Remittances and Payments Program is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by the World Bank in cooperation with the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.